Finding your style workbook

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Finding and building a personal style can be rough. There is an entire industry built around teaching folks how to consume trends with absolute zero interest in teaching you how to define and know your style. If you’re chasing trends, building a wardrobe piece by piece with whatever is currently popping, there is a good chance you’re confused about what your style is and isn't, a good chance you have a closet full of stuff that doesn’t feel cohesive or even like “you.” This of course, is by design. The less we know ourselves and what we really connect with and enjoy the more they can sell us the “answer.” I want to help you break this cycle. 

In these pages you will find prompts and practices alongside first hand anecdotes from my years of working with clients one-on-one. You’ll also get an education on measuring your body to shop smarter, and so much more. You’ll also hear from a few clients of mine who are well into their own style journeys.

workbook book dropping July 23rd

workbook book dropping July 23rd